Hull Graphic Design LLC

Business Identity Logos & Symbols

A picture is worth a thousand words

In our increasingly consumer-driven society, branding creates a recognizable identity. We want to captivate and interest the consumer, whether they are a corporate executive or an everyday buyer. Using graphic tools such as form, colors, textures, type styles, and other imagery, we evoke emotions connecting a consumer to a brand and their desire to continue to buy. We create distinctive visual images to mark a particular brand, its products, and/or services.

Your brand

A high-quality logo transcends language.

What is a logo?

Logos are the well-defined simplest forms of images . . . content-based designs that depict a company or a brand. At a glance, it might seem very basic, however, nothing could be further from reality. A logo should definitely achieve quick marketplace recognition for your business or brand. It’s that single component that can make your enterprise emerge from the crowd and leave an enduring mark. A high-quality logo transcends language. Studies show even young children can identify popular brands solely based on their logo alone.

Your business image

Corporate design includes the brand assets that make your company unique and stand out from your competition. Corporate identity is the manner in which your company, firm, or business enterprise presents itself to the public. This includes customers and investors, as well as employees. It is visually reflected in a logo and across all business materials including:

  • Logo and symbols
  • Business cards
  • Slogans and tagline
  • Stationery
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